Aims & Scopes
| Post date: 2024/04/28 |
The Objectives of the Tax Research Quarterly (TRQ)
Tax Research Journal is a scientific-research quarterly with the mission of developing tax knowledge in the country and with the following goals:
- Revising and amending tax laws and policies;
- Creating a suitable environment for the promotion of research activities in the field of taxation;
- Developing Scientific cooperation with researchers, intellectuals and tax experts across the country in order to understand the obstacles and problems of the tax system and try to solve them;
- Organizing and regulating tax researches at the national level;
- Motivating internal and external researchers to provide research capabilities in the field of taxation;
- To provide a platform for exchanging opinions on tax issues;
This quarterly magazine is in tax related areas including:
- Economic issues of taxation;
- Tax management issues;
- Tax accounting issues;
- Tax law issues;
It publishes all kinds of original research articles, theoretical research, qualitative research, descriptive research, survey, systematic review.
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