Volume 16, Issue 2 (2008)                   J Tax Res 2008, 16(2): 57-82 | Back to browse issues page

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Noferesti M. Effects of Energy Prices on Tax Revenues and Government's Current Expenditures within a Structural Macro Econometric Model. J Tax Res 2008; 16 (2) :57-82
URL: http://taxjournal.ir/article-1-161-en.html
Assistant Professor of Economics at Shahid Beheshti University
Abstract:   (9751 Views)
In this research, the effect of a raise in the price of energy on the major macroeconomic variables was examined within a structural macroeconometric model. The model consists of two groups of equations: One group involves long-term equilibrium relations and the other involves short-term dynamic relations which show how the variables adjust according to long-term equilibrium values. Coefficients of the model were estimated within the co-integration method. Time series data for the years 1959-2004 and the real prices of 1995 were used to estimate the coefficients. Tale inequality and square root of the mean of relative error squares were used in order to estimate the fitness degree of tracing the trend of endogenous variables. In order to examine the effect of a rise in the price of energy, the exogenous variables data were firstly produced by means of ARIMA prediction method (in some cases, with regard to average annual growth rate of the variable in question during previous time series). Then, through changing the prices of energy in 2008, the effect of these changes upon endogenous variables of the model including inflation rate, growth rate, unemployment rate, government expenditures and tax revenues for 2007-2011 were estimated within two scenarios, the gradual and the impulsive effects. The model exhibited the effects of any energy price rising policies. Any deviation from the trend of the model's endogenous variables is interpreted as the effect that this kind of policy has on these variables.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2008/04/22 | Accepted: 2008/07/22 | Published: 2014/03/14

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