Volume 31, Issue 60 (2024)                   J Tax Res 2024, 31(60): 8-39 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammadi A R, Mehralizadeh Y, Parsa A, Shahi S, Darfesh H. Identifying the Status of Continuous Education in the Country's Tax Administration. J Tax Res 2024; 31 (60) :8-39
URL: http://taxjournal.ir/article-1-2345-en.html
1- , mehralizadeh_y@scu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1775 Views)
Organizations rely heavily on human capital to carry out their tasks and missions. The development of organizational capital requires educational planning and the use of educational models and methods that achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness. What is of fundamental importance in this regard is the structures, conditions and characteristics of the organization that provide the possibility of successful implementation of educational programs and implementable models. The favorable structure and conditions lead to learning in the direction of the organizational mission and helps to improve the social culture of that society outside the organization. Today, in order to overcome today's turbulent and unstable environment, every organization is obliged to improve the capability of human resources in terms of knowledge, skills, attitude and strengthen continuous training and to plan, design and implement a long-term written program in order to overcome the challenges ahead. In a sense, it can be said that continuous education is the only way to survive and cope with challenges along with sustainable development and personal plans. The concept of continuous education has emerged in order to adapt to the fast and changing social and cultural life and has become an important indicator of the level of education and employment conditions in developed and developing countries. Another necessity to pay attention to continuous education lies in the nature of learning (forgetting in learning). This problem can be overcome by creating a continuous training and learning program. Continuous training transfers the responsibility from a system to an individual, according to which individuals are responsible for self-actualization and transformation in themselves. This transfer of the role of responsibility of continuous education leads to building a sustainable and coherent social future as well as equipping people to learn how to know, do, and play an essential role in life. In this research, the aspects of learning in the tax affairs organization will be investigated and analyzed in order to achieve a comprehensive and barrier model that will determine the status of continuous education in the tax affairs organization for us, and an introduction for future researches.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Management
Received: 2024/02/20 | Accepted: 2024/02/29 | Published: 2024/04/20

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