Essential specifications

Statistics of journal articles
List of referees of the publication
Frequency of publication: Quarterly (starting publication in march 1993)
Type of access to articles: free access (open)
Publication language: full text in Farsi with English abstract (150 to 250 words)
Publication cost: none
Referencing method in articles: APA
The tax research paper is subject to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines
Type of publication: Quarterly
 magazine Language: Farsi and English
 Kind of version: printed and electronic
The average process for judging articles is 3 to 6 months
Type for arbitration: Anonymous two-sided
The latest ranking of the magazine in Q2 database: ISC

Main Image

Journal of Tax Research

2024، Volume 35، Number 61

Print ISSN: 2251-6484

Online ISSN: 2717-1817

Director-in-Charge: Seyed Mohammad Hadi Sobhanian

Editor-in-Chief: Qahraman Abdoli

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Accepted Articles

Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 35، Number 61
  • Print ISSN: 2251-6484
  • Online ISSN: 2717-1817
  • Director-in-Charge: Seyed Mohammad Hadi Sobhanian
  • Editor-in-Chief: Qahraman Abdoli
  • Publisher: Iranian National Tax Administration (INTA)

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