Volume 23, Issue 28 (2016)                   J Tax Res 2016, 23(28): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Ramezani S M, Askari A. Tax Risk Management by Emphasis on the Size and Business Sector of Corporate Taxpayers. J Tax Res 2016; 23 (28)
URL: http://taxjournal.ir/article-1-762-en.html
Abstract:   (7310 Views)

Risk management is one of the tax compliance instruments which are aimed to improve taxpayers’ compliance. In this view, effective factors of taxpayers risk are identified, meanwhile taxpayers are classified in different levels and effective tax strategies which are coordinated with each level of risks are chosen and utilized in order to institutionalize rendering services and suitable education, self-assessment and voluntary compliance. The size of taxpayers considered to be one of the main factors affecting their risks. Indeed, developing and implementing effective and targeted strategies for tax compliance regardless of size taxpayers will not be possible. In this research, the independent variable, the taxpayer size, and its significance relationship to the dependent variable, the risk of taxpayer compliance, were tested in two forms which were distributed among 210 legal taxpayers of Western Tehran Tax organization. In order to test the significance relationship of the taxpayer size variable, the Kruskal-Wallas non-parametric one-way variance was used. At the end, the test showed that the taxpayer size variable bore an inverse significant relationship to the dependent variable, the risk running by taxpayer. Furthermore the inverse relationship between taxpayer size and the risk running by corporate operating in different manufacturing, service, trading, and contracting sectors have also been examined. In this regard, we witnessed an inverse significant relationship between taxpayer size and the risk of compliance simply for the taxpayers operating in trading sector. In other words, the risk of their compliance would diminish as the size of the taxpayers operating in the trading sector grows.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Economic
Received: 2016/05/18 | Accepted: 2016/05/18 | Published: 2016/05/18

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